

Harry Warren

毫无疑问,滚筒烘干机是那些喜欢实用性的人们在日常生活中必备的设备。 此外,该设备还非常适合没有院子、大洗衣区或安装晾衣绳空间的住宅和公寓。

因此,如果您打算投资购买一台干衣机,或者已经拥有一台干衣机,但不知道如何正确使用,我们为您整理了一些使用干衣机的小贴士。 看看如何日常使用干衣机,甚至如果有衣物缩水怎么办。



基本上,滚筒式烘干机通过机械方式加速衣物的干燥。 但是,在将衣物放入该机器之前,请查看标签上的说明,了解衣物是否可以进行该干燥过程。

一般来说,指干燥的标签符号是第三种,用中间有圆圈的正方形表示。 在圆圈内可以包含:

  • 一点 您可以用烘干机烘干衣物,但温度要低。
  • 两点 允许在较高温度下烘干衣物。
  • 一个X 请勿将衣物放入烘干机中烘干,以免损坏衣物。


烘干周期结束后,只需将衣物从烘干机中取出并熨烫,或者,如果您喜欢,可将衣物折叠后存放在橱柜中。 有些型号的烘干机甚至可减少衣物上的褶皱。


每个房子都是一个案例 (@cadacasaumcaso_) 的共享出版物


即使您想加快烘干速度,也不建议将所有衣物都放入烘干机中烘干。 有鼓包的胸罩、丝绸、皮革、亚麻、羊毛制成的衣物以及绣花和石雕等用途的衣物很容易损坏。




您是否使用过烘干机而导致衣物缩水? 这确实是一个经常发生的问题,尤其是棉质和羊毛衣物。


1. 软化剂


  1. 在桶中加入一升温水和100毫升织物柔顺剂(约一瓶盖)。
  2. 将缩水件浸泡在溶液中,并在避光处浸泡24小时。
  3. 然后,用流动水冲洗衣物,去除产品。
  4. 小心拧紧,然后将其平铺在晾衣绳上,使其充分伸展。

2. 婴儿洗发水


See_also: 学习如何用4种万无一失的方法清洁风扇
  1. 混合1升温水和15毫升婴儿洗发水。
  2. 将衣物浸泡在溶液中并等待30分钟。
  3. 然后拧干,去除多余水分。
  4. 将每块面包放在两条毛巾之间揉搓。
  5. 将衣服铺在晾衣绳上,等待晾干并恢复正常尺寸。


醋是一种多用途产品,可帮助纤维变得更加柔韧。 了解如何使用醋处理在滚筒烘干机中缩水的织物。

  1. 在容器中加入1升温水和半升白醋。
  2. 将衣物放入混合物中静置25分钟。
  3. 之后,开始仔细拉伸衣物纤维。
  4. 将衣物浸回混合物中,等待10分钟以上。
  5. 最后,轻轻拧干,无需冲洗。
  6. 取两条干毛巾,将木片夹在中间,用手按压。
  7. 将衣物挂在衣架上,等待晾干。




  • 干衣机 缺点是从洗衣机中取出衣物并转移到滚筒式烘干机的额外工作。

  • 洗涤和干燥 洗衣机:适用于优化空间,可在同一周期内完成洗衣机和烘干部分的工作。 如果与干衣机相比,它具有更多有利于保持衣物质量的功能。 但缺点是:价值较高,电费支出较高。

您是否已经整理好所有的脏物? 那么就趁此机会学习一下如何机洗,并按照我们的指南将所有物品洗得干干净净、气味清新、柔软舒适。

除了使用烘干机外,还有其他方法可以使衣物干爽。 请参阅如何快速烘干衣物的5个小窍门,避免穿着仍然潮湿的衣物而烦恼。




See_also: 学习如何清洁照片、人像框和壁画,妥善保管您的记忆


Harry Warren

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate home cleaning and organization expert, known for his insightful tips and tricks that transform chaotic spaces into serene havens. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for finding efficient solutions, Jeremy has gained a loyal following on his widely popular blog, Harry Warren, where he shares his expertise on decluttering, simplifying, and maintaining a beautifully organized home.Jeremy's journey into the world of cleaning and organizing began during his teenage years when he would eagerly experiment with various techniques to keep his own space spotless. This early curiosity eventually evolved into a profound passion, leading him to study home management and interior design.With over a decade of experience, Jeremy possesses a formidable knowledge base. He has worked in collaboration with professional organizers, interior decorators, and cleaning service providers, constantly refining and expanding his expertise. Always staying up-to-date with the latest research, trends, and technologies in the field, he combines traditional wisdom with modern innovations to provide his readers with practical and effective solutions.Jeremy's blog not only offers step-by-step guides on decluttering and deep cleaning every area of the home but also delves into the psychological aspects of maintaining an organized living space. He understands the impact ofclutter on mental well-being and incorporates mindfulness and psychological concepts into his approach. By emphasizing the transformative power of an orderly home, he inspires readers to experience the harmony and serenity that come hand in hand with a well-maintained living space.When Jeremy isn't meticulously organizing his own home or sharing his wisdom with readers, he can be found exploring flea markets, searching for unique storage solutions, or trying out new eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques. His genuine love for creating visually appealing spaces that enhance daily living shines through in every piece of advice he shares.Whether you're looking for tips on creating functional storage systems, tackling tough cleaning challenges, or simply enhancing the overall ambiance of your home, Jeremy Cruz, the author behind Harry Warren, is your go-to expert. Immerse yourself in his informative and motivational blog, and embark on a journey towards a cleaner, more organized, and ultimately happier home.