您喜欢组织工作吗? 发现成为个人组织者的4个技巧

 您喜欢组织工作吗? 发现成为个人组织者的4个技巧

Harry Warren



本月 每栋房屋一个案例 讲述了科拉-费尔南德斯(Cora Fernandes)的故事,她将空间组织视为实现职业转型和专业化的机会。

See_also: 如何折叠毛巾:3种节省空间的技巧

在匆忙的日常生活中,我们不乏需要帮助的空间。 因此,我们为想要进入这一行业的您提供了一些建议!

1. 喜欢组织和员工


See_also: 如何正确清洗碗并去除污渍和雾气



2. 选择一个好的个人组织者课程

要想成为一名优秀的专业人士,您需要精通专业。 如果您不久前决定要转行或想赚取额外收入,那么在辞职之前,请选择一门好的专业课程。 个人记事本 .

在这里,您不仅可以了解到该行业的日常工作以及如何建立自己的公司,还可以了解到您可以在哪些领域开展工作,包括组织家庭、办公室甚至家庭办公室。 巴西甚至每年都会召开一次大会,让这些专业人士交流经验,了解更多相关信息。

3. 学习创业精神

许多人都想正式成为微型或小型企业家,但由于缺乏规划,其中一些公司并不成功。 为避免这种情况发生在您身上,请开始阅读相关内容。



4. 学习数字营销




您是否对这些提示感到兴奋? 请查看我们对该书作者科拉-费尔南德斯(Cora Fernandes)的完整采访"。 个人组织者的经验 " e "节目主持人 少即是多 ",来自Discovery H&H巴西频道。

Harry Warren

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate home cleaning and organization expert, known for his insightful tips and tricks that transform chaotic spaces into serene havens. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for finding efficient solutions, Jeremy has gained a loyal following on his widely popular blog, Harry Warren, where he shares his expertise on decluttering, simplifying, and maintaining a beautifully organized home.Jeremy's journey into the world of cleaning and organizing began during his teenage years when he would eagerly experiment with various techniques to keep his own space spotless. This early curiosity eventually evolved into a profound passion, leading him to study home management and interior design.With over a decade of experience, Jeremy possesses a formidable knowledge base. He has worked in collaboration with professional organizers, interior decorators, and cleaning service providers, constantly refining and expanding his expertise. Always staying up-to-date with the latest research, trends, and technologies in the field, he combines traditional wisdom with modern innovations to provide his readers with practical and effective solutions.Jeremy's blog not only offers step-by-step guides on decluttering and deep cleaning every area of the home but also delves into the psychological aspects of maintaining an organized living space. He understands the impact ofclutter on mental well-being and incorporates mindfulness and psychological concepts into his approach. By emphasizing the transformative power of an orderly home, he inspires readers to experience the harmony and serenity that come hand in hand with a well-maintained living space.When Jeremy isn't meticulously organizing his own home or sharing his wisdom with readers, he can be found exploring flea markets, searching for unique storage solutions, or trying out new eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques. His genuine love for creating visually appealing spaces that enhance daily living shines through in every piece of advice he shares.Whether you're looking for tips on creating functional storage systems, tackling tough cleaning challenges, or simply enhancing the overall ambiance of your home, Jeremy Cruz, the author behind Harry Warren, is your go-to expert. Immerse yourself in his informative and motivational blog, and embark on a journey towards a cleaner, more organized, and ultimately happier home.