

Harry Warren


See_also: 如何清洁冰箱橡胶? 请参阅小贴士并结束污垢、霉菌和更多问题

为了帮助您完成这项任务,我们采访了房地产经纪人Jeferson Soares,他告诉我们应该如何进行房屋检查,以避免不愉快的意外,如可能出现的渗水、裂缝、墙壁发霉、有缺陷的门和其他瑕疵。







1. 检查泄漏

根据Jeferson的说法,很容易就能看出公寓内是否有渗水现象。"检查从地板到天花板的所有墙壁,因为之前的租户通常会粉刷墙壁,目的是掩盖一些渗水现象。 小窍门是用手摸墙壁,如果油漆有点脱落或有水分,就可能是渗水",他建议道。

此外,如果新房已经装修好,有必要检查一下每件家具(尤其是橱柜)的内部。 如果可能的话,把它们拖出来看看背面,注意是否潮湿和有异味,因为这也是渗透的迹象。

2. 分析房产裂缝

在搬家清单中需要分析的另一个重要问题是裂缝,裂缝多出现在天花板和墙壁上。 新房(通常是三到五年的房龄)更容易出现裂缝。

如果您发现天花板和墙壁出现裂缝,请向房东咨询,看建筑商是否提供维修保修。 请立即进行维修,因为随着时间的推移,裂缝可能会变得更加严重。

3. 注意墙壁和天花板上的霉菌

霉菌对健康非常有害,尤其是对儿童和老人,会加重鼻炎和其他呼吸道过敏症。 此外,霉菌最终会损坏家中的家具,如衣柜和床,造成经济损失。



(Envato Elements)

4. 注意车门的状况

门的损坏部分,尤其是裂缝,应纳入检查范围,因为它可能是由前租户的不当使用造成的,或者仅仅是制造缺陷。 但它必须被告知!


5. 测试电气部分



(Envato Elements)

6. 在检查表上注明缺陷;


7. 寻求专业人士的帮助





搬入新公寓,但需要将您的公寓完好无损地归还? 了解如何制定出租公寓交接清单,为下一位住户做好准备。


See_also: 熨烫衬衫实用手册

对很多人来说,搬家是压力的代名词,但其实大可不必!看看所有步骤,让搬家不再麻烦。 促进这一过程的一个好方法是在箱子上使用整理标签,优化存储。

(Envato Elements)

您打算与朋友合租吗? 我们为您列出了五条基本规则,以便大家和睦相处,保持清洁,摆放整齐。



Harry Warren

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate home cleaning and organization expert, known for his insightful tips and tricks that transform chaotic spaces into serene havens. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for finding efficient solutions, Jeremy has gained a loyal following on his widely popular blog, Harry Warren, where he shares his expertise on decluttering, simplifying, and maintaining a beautifully organized home.Jeremy's journey into the world of cleaning and organizing began during his teenage years when he would eagerly experiment with various techniques to keep his own space spotless. This early curiosity eventually evolved into a profound passion, leading him to study home management and interior design.With over a decade of experience, Jeremy possesses a formidable knowledge base. He has worked in collaboration with professional organizers, interior decorators, and cleaning service providers, constantly refining and expanding his expertise. Always staying up-to-date with the latest research, trends, and technologies in the field, he combines traditional wisdom with modern innovations to provide his readers with practical and effective solutions.Jeremy's blog not only offers step-by-step guides on decluttering and deep cleaning every area of the home but also delves into the psychological aspects of maintaining an organized living space. He understands the impact ofclutter on mental well-being and incorporates mindfulness and psychological concepts into his approach. By emphasizing the transformative power of an orderly home, he inspires readers to experience the harmony and serenity that come hand in hand with a well-maintained living space.When Jeremy isn't meticulously organizing his own home or sharing his wisdom with readers, he can be found exploring flea markets, searching for unique storage solutions, or trying out new eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques. His genuine love for creating visually appealing spaces that enhance daily living shines through in every piece of advice he shares.Whether you're looking for tips on creating functional storage systems, tackling tough cleaning challenges, or simply enhancing the overall ambiance of your home, Jeremy Cruz, the author behind Harry Warren, is your go-to expert. Immerse yourself in his informative and motivational blog, and embark on a journey towards a cleaner, more organized, and ultimately happier home.